News & Stories

MIT participates in Governor Healey’s roundtable with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Vice Provost Duane Boning joins Governor Healey’s roundtable with the King of Jordan to highlight and expand MIT’s collaboration with the Kingdom.
MIT in the world
Rebuilding Ukraine
A collaboration between MIT professors of urban studies and planning and the Association of Ukrainian Cities aims to empower Ukraine’s municipal leaders to drive recovery after the war.
MIT Portugal Program celebrates reunion with former participants of its innovation workshop
Earlier this year, the MIT Portugal Program held the first reunion of its Innovation Workshop (IW), bringing together five cohorts of students who participated in the workshop from 2016 to 2024.
News & Stories Filtered BY

SMART develops analytical tools to enable next-generation agriculture
According to United Nations estimates, the global population is expected to grow by 2 billion within the next 30 years, giving rise to an expected increase in demand for food and agricultural products. Today, biotic and abiotic environmental stresses such as plant pathogens, sudden fluctuations in temperature, drought, soil salinity, and toxic metal pollution — […]

Fight or flight? Why individuals react as they do
Why do some people fight and others flee when confronting violence? “This question has been bothering me for quite some time,” says Aidan Milliff, a fifth-year doctoral student who entered political science to explore the strategic choices people make in perilous times. “We’ve learned a great deal how economic status, identity, and pressure from community […]

Improving sanitation for the world’s most vulnerable people
Last year, women visiting a neonatal clinic at a hospital in Kiboga, Uganda, began using two waterless, standalone bathrooms that offered a cleaner and more private alternative to the pit latrines that are standard in the region. The deployment was the culmination of years of work by the startup change:WATER Labs, co-founded by two MIT […]

Keeping an eye on the fusion future
“That was your warmup. Now we’re really in the thick of it.” Daniel Korsun ’20 is reflecting on his four years of undergraduate preparation and research at MIT as he enters “the thick” of graduate study at the Institute’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC). The nuclear science and engineering student’s “warmup” included enough fusion […]

The catalyzing potential of J-WAFS seed grants
“A seed grant for a risky idea that is mission-driven goes a long way.” These are the words of Fadel Adib, an associate professor of media arts and sciences and of electrical engineering and computer science and a 2019 recipient of a two-year seed grant from the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab […]

Space for all is this student’s goal
The latest NASA rover, scheduled to land on Mars tomorrow after traveling more than six months in interplanetary space, is carrying with it a special instrument called MOXIE. About the size of a car battery, MOXIE will inhale carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere and transform it into a breath of oxygen. That’s the plan, […]

World Water Day Video Competition: MIT Research for a Water Secure Future
March 22nd is World Water Day, an international day launched by the United Nations to advocate for sustainable water use and equitable water access and inspire people to take action for clean water. J-WAFS is joining this effort through a student video competition and online festival to showcase the exciting water sector research and innovation […]

Call for Proposal: J-WAFS Solutions Program
The J-WAFS Solutions program aims to help MIT researchers commercialize breakthrough technologies and inventions by transforming promising ideas at MIT into innovative products and cutting-edge spinout companies. ($150,000 per year, one year.) J-WAFS Solutions has the mission of moving water and food technologies from labs t MIT into the commercial world, where they will improve […]

MIT Graduate Fellowship Opportunity: 2021 CIS Summer Study Fellowship
Doctoral students may apply for summer support for dissertation research or writing that has an international component. Support may be requested either for fieldwork and/or archival research, or for home-based research and write-up. Grants will not exceed $3,500. The main criteria for determining which proposals will be funded are: 1 – the importance of the research question and the quality […]

Call for proposal: Science of Sustainable Cities
The National Research Foundation (NRF) in Singapore has launched a call for proposal on “Science of Sustainable Cities”. The deadline for the White paper submission is 31 March 2021, 11.59 pm (Singapore Standard Time). The Grant Call Application Guide and White paper Template are found here. Detailed information on the grant call, including the thematic scope and application […]