News & Stories

MIT participates in Governor Healey’s roundtable with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Vice Provost Duane Boning joins Governor Healey’s roundtable with the King of Jordan to highlight and expand MIT’s collaboration with the Kingdom.
MIT in the world
Rebuilding Ukraine
A collaboration between MIT professors of urban studies and planning and the Association of Ukrainian Cities aims to empower Ukraine’s municipal leaders to drive recovery after the war.
MIT Portugal Program celebrates reunion with former participants of its innovation workshop
Earlier this year, the MIT Portugal Program held the first reunion of its Innovation Workshop (IW), bringing together five cohorts of students who participated in the workshop from 2016 to 2024.
News & Stories Filtered BY

Crowdsourced grocery delivery service thrives despite pandemic woes
Early this year, Philip Kuai MNG ’07 and his team were faced with a challenging decision about whether to continue on their pathway to publicly offer their company, Dada Group, in the midst of a global pandemic. While there was much uncertainty in the market at the time, the team’s perseverance and dedication paid off […]

3 Questions: Enabling informed migration in India
The World Economic Forum estimates that there are approximately 139 million domestic migrant laborers in India who move from rural areas to urban centers such as Delhi or Mumbai in search of economic opportunities. These workers frequently rely on the advice of a “bandhu” (Hindi for friend, brother, or relative) to determine where and when […]

The promise of using WhatsApp for low-tech distance learning
WhatsApp is one of the most widely-used communication apps in South Africa. Though it’s often portrayed in the news as a way to spread disinformation, it shows surprising potential as a tool for online learning during the era of social distancing. Grassroot, a civic technology organization based in South Africa, has developed a first-of-its-kind training […]

MIT-Wits Program continues to thrive
Now in its seventh year, the MIT-Wits Program is one of MIT’s most active in Africa. Whether through MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI)-organized student opportunities and faculty seed funds, visiting professors, or its array of edX courses, the relationship is as strong as ever. Known fondly known as Wits (and pronounced “Vits”), the […]

Blueprint for fall 2020 at MIT
How are instructors planning for remote learning in the fall? Why do on-campus students have to be on a meal plan? What will happen if there is a Covid-19 breakout in a residence hall? These and many other questions were on the minds of undergraduate students and their families at the Fall Reopening Virtual Town […]

3 Questions: Jonathan King on the future of nuclear weapons testing
In an open letter published on July 16 in Science, four MIT professors and nearly 70 additional scientific leaders called upon fellow researchers to urge U.S. government officials to halt plans to restart nuclear weapons testing. Corresponding author and professor of biology Jonathan King sat down to discuss the history of nuclear testing, his personal […]

$25 million gift launches ambitious new effort tackling poverty and climate change
With a founding $25 million gift from King Philanthropies, MIT’s Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) is launching a new initiative to solve problems at the nexus of climate change and global poverty. The new program, the King Climate Action Initiative (K-CAI), was announced today by King Philanthropies and J-PAL, and will start immediately. […]

Fellowship is at the heart of emergency response in Nigeria
When Amir Bature came to MIT from Bayero University Kano (BUK) in Nigeria as part of the Empowering the Teachers (ETT) program, he was amazed at his shift in perspective during his time on campus. “The first time we arrived at MIT, there were a lot of things where we said ‘no, this is impossible.’ […]

How to grow a cosmic magnetic field
When Muni Zhou looks into a clear night sky, she might be focusing less on the stars and more on what cannot be seen with the eye. The MIT graduate student, now in her fourth year at the Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), is fascinated by vast magnetic field structures that exist not only […]

MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society builds educational partnership in Uruguay
In addition to making online education crucial to continued learning, the coronavirus pandemic poses the kind of global, societal challenges that must be addressed with rigorous data analysis. As the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and other organizations worldwide use statistics and machine learning to model infection rates, predict policy outcomes, and […]